Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Too much/Too little of any vritti

Today I want to talk about what is mean to have too much or too little of my two prominent vrittis, imagining and sleep.
Well first let me say that I like how any vritti, including correct knowledge which is correct, can either enhance or hinder you yoga practice and therefore you way of life as a whole. For instance, when I   hear correct knowledge….I think that there is no such thing as too much CORRECT knowledge but such a thing can occur. Example this thing we call faith is founded in correct knowledge that is defined as a result of clear and direct perception, logical deduction, and the word of those who know.  There is nothing clear, direct, or logical in faith and even going on the “word of people who know” depends on the people you are talking to. Even though it is not founded in correct knowledge from my understanding the concept of faith, believing in the impossible, is very essential in any type of practice or growth you pursue in life.
Now we move on to discussing my two favorite vrittis imaging and sleep. I will start with sleep because I identify with it less than imagining. Everyone knows sleep is important; correct knowledge has proven this statement true time and time again. What some people have a hard time believing is the idea that there is such a thing as too much sleep. This ideas seems a little far fetch to people I know because well as college student or working adult you don’t get much sleep. I know such a thing exists because I have experience too little, too much and just the right amount of sleep. Everyone knows what happen when you get too little sleep….you are hype up on adrenaline for a time, then you get cranky, and then you slowly start to crash until you can’t function. A good number of times the thing you stayed up late or woke up early to get done is mediocre because you were not fully focus or paying attention. Well the effects of too much sleep are kind of the opposite. For one thing when you sleep for half the day, when you wake up all you want to do is go back to sleep. It makes no sense but the more sleep you get beyond the safe point…the sleepier you are when you wake up. You are still grumpy because you have to wake up and you still get nothing done because you slept the day away and just want to go back to sleep. Now the just right amount of sleep is amazing because you wake up fully rejuvenated; meaning you are not groggy and grumpy. You are cheerful and bubbly because you got a good nights or day rest. You will be so productive that day....you won’t know how to handle it.
Okay so that took longer than I expected so for imaging the vritti I identify most with I will be short, simply and to the point. Faith is an example of none hindering imaging. I have to be careful when I make a statement like that because even then too much is a bad thing. For example, that type of blind faith that had people killing women and children in the name of Jesus because a church official told them that is what God wanted. Or the type of faith that has you not taking your diabetes medicine that are pills and not insulin because you believe that if you pray enough God will take the diabetes away. When I say faith or belief in something that has no basis in reality…..I am talking about when you are on your last leg and you have nothing to go on but you still believe that there is a way….that is the good faith I am talking about the kind that doesn’t allow you to give up even though everything else says you should.
Now my imagining is also what I like to call laziness or procrastination. Even I have proven time and time again that this isn’t true, I still believe that the longer I put off doing work the more likely it is to get done. It is insanity by the way one of my high school teacher define it. Insanity is doing the exact same thing expecting different results. Okay I am going to stop writing now since I am at 747 words and counting. Anyway what you should take from this is there is such a thing as too much or too little of anything you do in life…..your goal is to find the happy median that leads you to your ultimate goal of being healthy, happy and at peace with yourself.


  1. this is really great stuff Boo. I really like your example about the value of faith. Glad you are seeing so much depth and nuance in the sutras.

  2. Thank you......I wondered if the example about faith was a reasonable one because when I think of imagining or even the metaphorical thinking.....faith is the first thing that comes to mind. Is there any other examples of positive metaphorical thinking you could give?
