Monday, November 7, 2011

Not a real blog

I will get to my real blogs in the next hour and half or so but I just wanted to ask........How people could read the Gita and not think "Wow sounds a lot like Christianity?" I don't see how the connection is not made. Granted I am not the most spiritual person out there. I don't regularly testify; I am pretty sure I have never witness, and there was even a time in my life I was pissed at God (I finally acknowledge it and eventually got over it). Oh and I think that people who make "Jesus" cookies need to go through something traumatic because if you can reduce Christ down to a cookie cut out and you are not a child.....then you obviously haven't been through enough. I apologize if any of you find healing in making Jesus shaped cookies but yeah no stop that spend your time doing something else Christ related.

Sorry got off on a tangent. Anyway my point is I don't see how anyone could believe that Christ is the only way to God when they have read the Gita. Then I realized that the devote Christian (I use the word loosely) haven't read the Gita....which also make me realized that when I do have kids that they will be reading this book along with the Bible, the Qur'an, and The Torah. I may even make them read Greek mythology. If I raise children that believe Christ is the only way to God and they want to prove so by making Jesus cut out cookies; I want it to be an intelligent informed decision not one bred out of ignorance like mines was before I entered the BIC.

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