Saturday, November 5, 2011

My room is clean and the middle channel is opening (THANK THE HOLY HEAVENS!!!!!)

First, let me just say I am so thankful that you started the class off reading “How Yoga Works”. I would not be this into the yoga philosophy if you didn’t.

So my practice for this week left much to be desired. However, I got myself into gear yesterday. Before I talk about my yesterday, I want to talk about practice in class. First, I  apologize for invading your space I didn’t meant to just awkward setting and I don’t know if I apologized for kicking you in the face that day but I am sorry for that too(geez I would fail me on principle). Speaking of headstand in the middle of the room, I am so surprised I could do it. When you said I should be ready to try it in the middle of the room, all I could think was “yeah right but what the hey”.  It shocked me when I could actually do it but thee success made we realize that is why you get paid you the big bucks (because you challenge your students beyond what they believe their limits are).  Practicing a headstand in the middle of the room is like starting from scratch: I am wobbly, a little unsure, and can’t hold it for long but that is okay because I am up (so yay me). Now on the other side of the spectrum I can’t do a proper shoulder stand to save my life; it is ironic but sums up my life in a nutshell. The difficult stuff I try, I fail a couple of time but I keep trying and eventually I not only succeed, I start to excel. The “easier” things I can’t accomplish.  I try and when it doesn’t work out I get frustrated and basically give up because this is supposed to be easy so what is wrong with me that it is not. So instead of working on what is proving more difficult I focus all my attention on what I am having no problem in (makes me feel better about myself….I should stop that). Oh you know how in my last blog I mention not wanting to go to class felt the same this week but I went Tuesday and Thursday I had to meeting about my student show so it saved me the fight with myself.

Friday I cleaned my room and wrote my practice blogs for the week before and it felt so good. I even vacuumed and before you think me disgusting, I usually sweep all the trash in a corner because I have to borrow a vacuum. Yesterday, I walked over to the office and check one out came back and clean and with that I started my at home yoga practice for that first time that week (the cleaning of my room is the practice I am referring too). Today I did a real practice: tadasana, standing forward bend, tree pose(my foot actually stayed on my thigh), all three warriors, triangle, revolving triangle, dancer pose, camel, locus, and I think cobra, down dog, up dog, plank, headstand(of course), and I even attempted shoulder stand to no avail.  I feel like I am finally breathing for the first time in a month. You can always tell when I have a fulfilling practice because I can’t stop talking. So I am ending but my question to you is “How can I improve my shoulder stand without props to set up?” Oh and on the middle channel……it is starting to un-chock.

Last thing the harassing thoughts sutra is II.33 and is on page 255 if you have “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: New Edition, Translation, and Commentary” by Edward F. Bryant….I think it is the one you suggested.


  1. I feel like you definitely have find a little more peace after cleaning your room and doing your yoga poses! It was so awesome to see you doing headstand in the middle of the room. I think it shows how much each of us has improved over the past few months in yoga. One day I want to be out there in the middle of the room doing a headstand with you. The yoga sutras were definitely right in saying that we need to practice and also have a detachment from our passions. I guess the first one really applied to your post. I definitely also like to do poses that I can do fairly well and thus neglect the ones that are tough, but I'm glad that you're trying to do shoulderstands. I'm sure that you'll be able to do a beautiful shoulderstand soon!

  2. You know what Melissa it took me to the end of the semester but the shoulder-stand is finally coming along.
