Monday, November 7, 2011

He has 99 problems

Describe Arjuna’s dilemma and a similar experience in your own life.
Arjuna’s dilemma in the first six chapters can be described in many different ways but I am going to talk about the basic dilemma.  Arjuna feels he can’t do what he knows needs to be done. Furthermore, he can’t do what needs to be done because he doesn’t want to be the cause of others pain (in his case death). He doesn’t want to stand up for what is right because that means confronting family and close friends. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place and he doesn’t want to move; instead he would rather let the rock crush him. His other problem is getting indirect/direct advice from a trusted friend. The latter is not really a problem it is just irritating when you ask for someone’s advice in should you do something or shouldn’t you and they do not answer in a direct way. I have been in a similar situation so many times it is hard to narrow down and talk about one. Okay I just narrowed and tweaked Arjuna’s dilemma to suit my story. Arjuna can’t do what he needs to because of fear. About three weeks ago maybe more I found myself in a state of inaction, as you can see because I am just now writing this blog. I was in full fledged panic attack mode so much so that my chest physically started hurting and felt I was losing my mind. Like Arjuna I found myself in a state of inaction and mind set of just giving up and letting what happens….happen. While Arjuna’s worries were very real and understandable mines weren’t. Arjuna couldn’t act because he didn’t want to be the cause of people death; I couldn’t act because fear paralyzed me. Literally, I was fretting over not doing my work and the magnitude of that fret kept me from focusing enough to do said work. The advice Arjuna received came from a holy being and mines came from my therapist. They both basically the same thing stop worrying and start doing. Krishna, in so many words, told Arjuna what he worried about had no substance because if you reach the level of Self it matters not. My therapist told me what I am worry about has no substance because well it is the future that will never happen if I am stuck in “what ifs”. I hope this what I am supposed to blog about.  

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