Sunday, October 2, 2011

Becoming a good gardener and still knocking the pipes(practice blog)

First and foremost I must say I am damn proud that I did a headstand. I even did it for two maybe five seconds at home on Saturday (with a friend lifting my other leg of course). Never would have thought I would do that…..a morbid fear of breaking my neck you know (a sort of affliction you could say).

Okay now that I am done wasting words to hit my two fifty faster I will get down to my complete practice this week. So since thinking about yoga sutras and the problems they bring up I think it is necessary for me to say I was trying to be a very good gardener this past weekend. I found it most effective when I was driving. So I have tendency to complain in life about everything…..but more so bitching about people driving (mind you mine driving could use some work too). However, I was thinking that if every time I gripe or complain about someone then that is planting a seed for me to always gripe and complain about people and have them gripe and complain about me but ten times worst. So I found myself stopping and breathing and reminding myself that I almost planted a negative seed. I am also trying to apply that to getting out of bed in the morning or procrastinating on homework…..that is not going so well. I feel like those seeds were planted my freshman year in college and grew into redwoods with thick roots…….it is going to take time to starve those seeds out and plant new ones.

So actual physical practice (knocking on the outside of the bamboo…or whatever it was) is going okay. I still need to find a balance routine but now I realized I need to set a specific time for practice for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Because it is easy for me to wake up and rush to class….spend the rest of the day either working or telling myself after this episode I am going to work and not end up doing practice until 12 or 1(which by then is technically the next day). Now I see why you (the professor) said you can standing, sitting, backbends, ect in the morning to energize you and restorative poses before you go to sleep(because it help set a practice that gets you ready for the day and ready to end it).

Oh another thing is the back of my thighs are sore and I don’t know why… I realize my memory is really bad because I can only remember like ¼ of the poses you have shown us and only know the translated name of them. Anyway enough rambling and to recap my practice including conquering headstand both inside and outside of class….actively trying to plant good seeds…….and realizing I need strict routine for my yoga practice outside of class(hopefully by the end of this week I will have one).


  1. Keep on keeping on. Even the smallest effort on the path, the planting of the smallest seed, is never wasted.

  2. That sounds inspired and profound.....thank you I will but it is difficult because the more I think about how I lead my life the more I realized I am going to be pulling up roots for a while. I think it is worth it and that day I will be all good seeds(well mostly).

  3. So first I want to apologize for using profanity....I know it is a blog but still it is an academic blog. Once again re-reading this blog set me in another time and I realized that the trails I faced afterward were a test of my new outlook on life. Well I felled miserably but that is okay.....I am glad that I read this(makes me want to actively plant positive seeds again....I stopped for a while).
